Albert Einstein once said: “As far as conventional approaches have yielded no satisfactory solutions, only the person who is prepared to consider problems from a new point of view is in a position to innovate."
Like we do. ROMESS, as an innovative company that, in addition to outstanding product quality, owes its position in the market to ongoing renewal and improvement of its products, is strongly represented in research and development.
You, too, can profit from this. By focusing your concentration on your core competencies and entrusting your development tasks to our company. Order development is one of our company's most important divisions.
Of course, problems arise not only in the area of development, but also in everyday life at the workshop. The causes of a leaky spot, an unexplainable noise must be detected and remedied. Without suitable tools, this can cost a lot of time and money. And nerves, too, of course. But here, too, ROMESS has a few aces up its sleeve...